Biological function of nitrated eosinophil granule proteins
versus non-nitrated eosinophil granule proteins. A and
B, cytotoxic activities of nitrated (3NT+) versus
non-nitrated (3NT-) eosinophil granule proteins and nitrated rEPO or rECP
versus their non-nitrated counterparts were assayed in incubations on
monolayers of A549 cells. After a 24-h incubation, the alive or dead status of
the epithelial cells was determined using immunofluorescence. C-F,
the bactericidal activities of non-nitrated rEPO or rECP and their nitrated
counterparts were tested in 24-h incubations with S. aureus or E.
coli. Thereafter bacterial numbers were detemined by a plate assay.
G-I, the size of eosinophil granules, filled with nitrated or
non-nitrated toxins, was determined using transmission electron microscopy
preparations of the respective eosinophils.