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. 2000 Jan 4;97(1):85–90. doi: 10.1073/pnas.97.1.85

Table 1.

Data collection and refinement statistics

Data collection
 Temperature, K 100
 Space group P21
 Unit cell 178.3  Å 96.1  Å 214  Å β = 94.0°
 Molecules per asymmetric unit 2
 Unique reflections (redundancy) 79,465 (4.42)
 Low-resolution limit, Å 106 106 10.7 4.4 3.6
 High-resolution limit, Å   3.4  10.7  7.6 4.0 3.4
 Completeness*, % 78.5 99.2 100 79.1 46.7
 I/σI 7.1 15.2 12.4 5.0 2.6
Rsym, % 7.5 3.9 4.7 13.0 28.0
Model refinement at 10.0–3.5 Å
 Sigma cutoff None
Rfactor%,Rfree%§ 26.3, 37.0
 rms bond length, Å; angles ° 0.012, 1.83
 rms dihedrals, °; improper, ° 28.1, 1.08

Data are anisotropic, see Methods. 

Rsym = Σhkl Σi | Ii-〈I〉| / Σhkl ΣiI, where 〈I〉 is the mean intensity of reflection hkl

Rfactorhkl | | Fobs |-| Fcalc | | / Σhkl | Fobs |, where Fcalc and Fobs are, respectively, the calculated and observed structure factor amplitudes for reflection hkl

§ Rfree is the same as Rfactor but calculated over the 5% randomly selected fraction of the reflection data not included in the refinement.