Figure 7.
Immunofluorescence for KRT19, SR, Cl-/HCO-3 AE2 and CFTR expression in freshly isolated small and large cholangiocytes from [panel a] normal, 3- and [panel b] 7-day BDL mice. Both small and large cholangiocytes from normal, BDL 3d and BDL 7d mice express KRT19. Large (but not small) cholangiocytes from normal, 3- and 7-day BDL mice were positive for SR, CFTR, and Cl-/HCO-3 AE2. Scale bar = 50 μm. BDL = bile duct ligation; KRT19 = keratin-19; Cl-/HCO-3 = chloride bicarbonate anion exchanger 2; CFTR = cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; SR = secretin receptor; Neg = negative.