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. 2008 Oct 31;283(44):30205–30215. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M803347200


Summary of diffraction data and structure refinement statistics

Compound I Compound II Compound III Compound IV
Statistics of diffraction data
   Wavelength (Å) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
   Resolution range (Å)a 50.0–2.50 (2.59–2.50) 50.0–2.80 (2.90–2.80) 50.0–2.60 (2.69–2.60) 50.0–2.40 (2.49–2.40)
   Space group P212121 P212121 P212121 P212121
   Cell parameters
      a (Å) 65.1 65.7 65.4 65.2
      b (Å) 96.9 96.5 96.7 96.3
      c (Å) 180.4 180.5 180.4 180.2
   Observed reflections 180,300 137,332 156,710 196,328
   Unique reflections 36,312 27,196 35,800 41,447
   Average redundancy 5.0 (4.7) 5.0 (4.7) 4.4 (3.0) 4.7 (2.9)
   Average I/σ(I) 13.9 (2.0) 15.0 (1.9) 13.2 (1.3) 17.1 (1.8)
   Completeness (%) 90.1 (70.8) 94.3 (94.7) 99.2 (94.1) 91.5 (90.8)
   Rmerge (%)b 11.4 (43.5) 12.8 (53.0) 12.1 (48.2) 9.1 (39.6)
Statistics of refinement
   Number of reflections 36,280 27,133 35,739 41,413
      Working set 34,487 25,767 33,954 39,360
      Free R set 1,793 1,366 1,785 2,053
   R factor (%)c 20.8 21.1 21.4 20.9
   Free R factor (%) 26.8 29.1 27.4 25.3
   Number of residues 930 933 930 936
   Number of water molecules 181 74 124 241
   Average B factor of all atoms (Å2) 59.9 72.4 61.7 56.3
      Caspase-3 60.0 72.6 61.9 56.4
      Inhibitor 48.8 63.0 50.6 48.5
      Water molecule 55.4 53.8 50.7 53.7
   r.m.s. deviationd bond lengths (Å) 0.010 0.012 0.010 0.009
   r.m.s. deviation bond angles (°) 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.2
   Ramachandran plot (%)
      Ramachandran favored 96.3 95.3 96.5 97.2
      Ramachandran allowed 99.7 99.6 99.6 99.8
      Ramachandran outliers 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2

Numbers in parentheses refer to the highest resolution shell


Rmerge = ΣhklΣi|Ii(hkl)i – 〈I(hkl)〉|/ΣhklΣiIi(hkl)


Rfactor = Σhkl||Fo| – |Fc||/Σhkl|Fo|


r.m.s. deviation, root mean square deviation