Surface levels of HA-tagged eYFP-Kv1.4:T330A are reduced compared with
HA-tagged WT eYFP-Kv1.4. A, imaging reveals surface localization
(arrowheads) of WT HA12-eYFP-Kv1.4 (i) and ER
localization of HA12-eYFP-Kv1.4:T330A (ii). Live,
transiently transfected HEK293 cells were labeled, at 48 h post-transfection
with anti-HA antibody to detect surface channels prior to fixation and
detection with a Cy3-conjugated secondary antibody. Green, eYFP
fluorescence; red, Cy3 secondary antibody; blue, DAPI
(nuclei) stain. Scale bar corresponds to 15 μm. B, patch
clamp recordings show reduction in surface expression of HA-eYFP-Kv1.4:T330A
versus WT HA-eYFP-Kv1.4 channels, which is independent of the
location of the HA tag. Whole-cell currents were evoked in cells transfected
with WT HA-eYFP-Kv1.4 or eYFP-Kv1.4:T330A mutants bearing the HA epitope tag
in either the S1-S2 (HA12-eYFP-Kv1.4:T330A) or S3-S4
(HA34-eYFP-Kv1.4:T330A) linkers. Cells were held at a potential of
-80 mV and currents measured in response to 20-mV voltage steps between -60
and +60 mV. Mean ± S.E. data of peak and steady-state currents
(measured at the end of the voltage step) at +60 mV normalized to cell
capacitance. Asterisks, p < 0.05, Tukey. C, quantitation
of surface expression through FACS. Following surface labeling with anti-HA
(primary) and Cy5 (secondary) antibody, mock-transfected control HEK293 cells
(upper left panel) show low background fluorescence (log scale) in
red (Cy5, surface; ordinate) and green (eYFP; abscissa)
channels (defined as background, quadrant R5). Transfection with an
HA- and GFP-tagged membrane marker (pIN-G)
(23) (positive control;
upper right panel), WT HA34-eYFP-Kv1.4 (lower left
panel), or HA34-eYFP-Kv1.4:T330A (lower right panel)
revealed a cell population displaying fluorescence in red and
green channels (quadrant R4). Note size of population in
quadrant R6 (low red (surface) fluorescence) for cells
transfected with HA-eYFP-Kv1.4:T330A. D, comparison of
HA34-eYFP-Kv1.4: T330A and WT HA34-eYFP-Kv1.4 surface
expression determined by FACS. Data were determined from the ratio of surface
to total population fluorescence (i.e. R4/(R4 + R6)) and normalized
to the WT HA34-tagged channel (100%). A significant difference
(n > 3, p < 0.05; Student-Newman-Keuls test) was
observed between the WT and T330A mutants.