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. 2009 Apr 1;59(561):e101–e109. doi: 10.3399/bjgp09X420329

Table 2.

Baseline characteristics of patients presenting with fatigue in general practice.

Demographics Total population, n = 642 Fast recovery,an = 132 of 561 (Near) chronicity,bn = 231 of 535
Sex, female, n (%) 467 (73) 84 (64) 178 (77)

Age in years, mean (SD) 42 (16) 43 (15) 45 (17)

Education, n (%)
 Primary 40 (6) 6 (5) 19 (8)
 Secondary 483 (75) 102 (77) 173 (75)
 Tertiary 118 (18) 24 (18) 38 (17)

Care responsibilities, n (%)
 Care for children 241 (38) 56 (43) 83 (36)
 Care for children <5 years old 103 (16) 23 (17) 31 (14)
 Care for other people, e.g. older people 63 (10) 4 (3) 27 (12)

Employed, n (%) 492 (77) 107 (81) 160 (69)
Hours of work (paid + unpaid) per week, mean (SD) 41 (26) 44 (19) 40 (29)
 <30 hours, n (%) 182 (28) 23 (17) 77 (34)
 30–50, n (%) 277 (43) 66 (50) 97 (42)
 ≥50, n (%) 183 (29) 43 (33) 56 (24)

Living together/married, n (%) 411 (64) 85 (64) 144 (63)


Severity, CIS, mean (SD) 45.8 (8.4) 41.4 (9.5) 48.9 (6.5)
Less concentration, CIS, mean (SD) 21.3 (8.7) 16.1 (6.0) 22.5 (8.7)
Less motivation, CIS, mean (SD) 16.9 (6.2) 18.7 (8.3) 17.6 (6.3)

Duration, n (%)
 <1 month 44 (7) 15 (12) 15 (7)
 1–3 months 98 (16) 32 (25) 20 (9)
 3–6 months 115 (19) 28 (22) 40 (18)
 6–12 months 114 (18) 21 (16) 39 (17)
 ≥1 year 252 (40) 34 (26) 112 (50)

Onset of fatigue episode, n (%)
 Sudden 111 (17) 28 (21) 37 (16)
 Gradual 527 (82) 104 (78) 191 (84)

Previous episodes, n (%)
 Yes 417 (65) 66 (50) 163 (71)
 Yes, with duration <6 months 246 (38) 46 (35) 76 (33)
 Yes, with duration ≥6 months 171 (27) 20 (15) 87 (38)

Localisation, n (%)
 Primarily extremities 56 (9) 19 (14) 19 (8)
 Primarily head 111 (17) 29 (22) 29 (13)
 Whole body, or head and extremities 407 (64) 70 (53) 162 (70)
 Not clear 66 (10) 14 (11) 21 (9)

Perceptions, IPQ-R, mean (SD)

Personal control, range 6–30 18.6 (3.7) 19.2 (3.7) 17.9 (3.8)
Understanding of the fatigue, range 5–25 13.7 (4.2) 14.1 (4.2) 13.2 (4.1)
Expectation of a chronic course, range 6–30 17.4 (4.5) 15.2 (3.6) 19.4 (4.6)
Impact of fatigue, range 6–29 16.4 (4.3) 14.4 (3.9) 18.0 (4.3)

Treatment (self-report), n (%)

Treatment for fatigue 52 (8) 8 (6) 28 (12)
Treatment for other reasons 181 (28) 38 (29) 76 (33)
Medication 146 (23) 32 (24) 57 (25)
Psychologist or social work 44 (7) 8 (6) 22 (10)
Physiotherapy or manual therapy 63 (10) 9 (7) 32 (14)
Alternative/complementary treatment 40 (6) 11 (8) 13 (6)

Daily activity and lifestyle

Physical activity: SQUASH; number of days of moderate intensity physical activity for at least 30 minutes
 Mean (SD) 2.8 (2.4) 3.1 (2.2) 2.8 (2.5)
 0 days, n (%) 147 (23) 22 (17) 54 (23)
 1–4 days, n (%) 319 (50) 70 (53) 113 (49)
 ≥5 days, n (%) 175 (27) 39 (30) 64 (28)

Alcohol, units per week, n (%)
 <1 334 (52) 59 (45) 131 (57)
 1–10 253 (40) 64 (49) 80 (35)
 >10 54 (9) 9 (7) 20 (10)

Smoking, n (%)
 No, never smoked 253 (40) 56 (42) 89 (39)
 Not currently, or sometimes 242 (38) 52 (39) 85 (37)
 Yes, daily 145 (23) 24 (18) 56 (24)

Fast recovery (favourable outcome): score <34 on the severity scale of the CIS at 4, 8, and 12 months after baseline.


(Near) chronicity (unfavourable outcome): score ≥34 on the CIS severity scale, at three or all of the four follow-up measurements. CIS = Checklist Individual Strength. IPQ-R = Illness Perception Questionnaire – Revised. SQUASH = Short Questionnaire to ASsess Health-enhancing physical activity.