Novel protein species of Ptprz in the adult mouse brain. A,
schematic representation of Ptprz isoforms. Molecular sizes of the chondroitin
sulfate proteoglycan forms (CS-PG) and their core proteins after
treatment with chABC are shown
(3). Regions corresponding to
the epitopes of antibodies used in this study are indicated by vertical
lines. We designated the proteolytic fragments as follows:
ZA-ECF or ZB-ECF, the extracellular
fragment of Ptprz-A or Ptprz-B; ZΔE, the
membrane-tethered fragment of Ptprz-A and Ptprz-B; Z-ICF, the
intracellular fragment cleaved from ZΔE. The cleavage sites are
indicated by arrows (red, metalloproteinases including TACE
and MMP-9; blue, presenilin/γ-secretase). Domains are
highlighted in different colors: CAH, carbonic
anhydrase-like domain; FNIII, fibronectin type III domain;
PTP-D1 and PTP-D2, tyrosine phosphatase domains.
B–D, brain extract (5 μg of protein) of wild-type
mice (+/+) and Ptprz-deficient mice (-/-) was treated with (+) or
without (-) chABC. The samples were separated on a 5–20% gradient gel
followed by Western blotting (WB) using anti-Ptprz-S (B).
The same blot was stripped and reprobed with anti-RPTPβ (C). The
lower image is a vertical enlargement of the area enclosed
by a rectangle in the upper image. Staining with Coomassie
Brilliant Blue R-250 to check the amounts of protein applied (D). The
figures are representative of five separate experiments. E, summary
of the immunoreactive bands (b–i). Their designation,
apparent molecular size, and specific antibodies for detection are shown. The
core protein of Ptprz-A (band *a) was scarcely detected in
the brain extract by Western blotting, but it was evident in
immunoprecipitation assays (data not shown).