VEGF-A165 induced the formation of a transcriptional complex
with M-CAT cis-element in HUVEC. HUVEC were stimulated with
VEGF-A165 for 0, 10′, 15′, 30′, and 60′.
Nuclear extracts were used for EMSA assay using a biotin-labeled DNA oligo
probe corresponding to the M-CAT site of the DSCR1-1L promoter. Specific
DNA-protein complex induced by VEGF-A165 was indicated by a
long arrow and nonspecific shifted band by a short arrow.
10-fold and 50-fold excess of unlabeled wild-type (lanes 7 and
8) or mutant probes (lanes 9 and 10) were included
in the reaction mixtures with nuclear extracts from HUVEC stimulated by
VEGF-A165 for 15 min. The VEGF-A165-induced shifted band
was titrated off by an excess of unlabeled wild-type probes, but not unlabeled
mutant probes. The data represent three independent experiments.