The mannanase repertoire of C. japonicus. C. japonicus secretes three endomannanases, CjMan5A, -B, and -C, whose function is the depolymerization of plant cell wall mannans (magenta) into shorter mannooligosaccharides (blue). In this task, they are aided by their plant cell wall-targeting carbohydrate-binding modules (gray). Shorter manno-oligosaccharides are subsequently reduced in length by the, flexibly tethered, Man26B and then hydrolyzed to mannose and mannobiose by the outer membrane-bound Man26A, -26C, and -5D. Following disaccharide import, the disaccharide mannobiose is hydrolyzed to two molecules of mannose by intracellular β-mannosidase Man2 (not shown). The catalytic modules are colored with respect to their reaction products.