Figure 7.
Signaling BMDCs via NK1R prolongs effector cellular immune responses. (A) Ear thickness increase of mice sensitized with adoptively transferred TN-DCs, SarSP-TN-DCs, CD40-TN-DCs, or control (nonhaptenized) SarSP-DCs or untreated DCs, as analyzed at different time points after DTH elicitation. Means (± SD) of 6 mice per experimental group are illustrated. ***P < .001. (B) Histological analysis of ear skin sections dissected 6 days after DTH elicitation shows severe mononuclear cell infiltrate in samples obtained from mice sensitized with SarSP-TN-DCs compared with mice sensitized with TN-DCs or control SarSP-DCs or untreated DCs. The mononuclear cell infiltrate is shown at higher magnification in the insets. Arrows indicate the thickness of the skin (excluding the hypodermis). H&E, ×200 (insets, ×1000); scale bar equals 20 μm. (C) Characterization of the cellular infiltrate in ear skin of mice sensitized with TN-DCs or SarSP-TN-DCs. Dotted-lines indicate the epidermal-dermal junction. Immunofluorescence, ×500; scale bar equals 20 μm. (B,C) One representative skin section of 5 analyzed per experimental group is shown.