Fig. 2. GRIM-19 suppressed phosphorylation of cortactin by v-Src.
Representative Western blot profiles of total cellular lysates probed with the indicated antibodies and signals generated using ECL. Typically, duplicate gels were run in parallel and after transfer, the membrane was cut horizontally aided by protein molecular weight marker front (pre-stained) and incubated with the following antibodies separately; a) cortactin (1:2000) or phosphorylated cortactin (1:1000), b) Myc-tag (1:1000), c) Actin (1:2000) and d) Src (1:1000) or phosphorylated Src (1:1000). In some cases, a membrane was first probed with an antibody that detects the phosphorylated form of the protein (pY421 Cortactin or pY416 v-Src), then striped and reprobed with an antibody to detect the total protein (Cortactin or Src).