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. 2009 Jan 30;75(7):2200–2211. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00953-08


Biological material

Biological material Isolate Closest nonhybrid ancestor(s)a Predicted chemical phenotypeb Grass host Tribe Culture no.c Source or reference(s)
E. amarillans E52 E. amarillans No IDT Sphenopholis obtusata Aveneae ATCC 200743 44, 60, 61, 62
E. amarillans E57 E. amarillans No IDT Agrostis hiemalis Aveneae ATCC 200744 44, 60, 61, 62
E. baconii E248 E. baconii No IDT Agrostis stolonifera Aveneae ATCC 76552 29, 44, 61, 62
E. baconii E1031 E. baconii No IDT Calamagrostis villosa Aveneae ATCC 200745 29, 44, 60, 61
E. brachyelytri E1040 E. baconii No IDT Brachyelytrum erectum Brachyelytreae ATCC 200752 44, 60, 61
E. bromicola E501 E. bromicola No IDT Bromus erectus Bromeae ATCC 200749 29, 44, 61
E. bromicola E799 E. bromicola No IDT Bromus benekenii Bromeae ATCC 201559 29
E. clarkii E422 ETC No IDT Holcus lanatus Poeae ATCC 90168 29, 60, 61
E. elymi E56 E. elymi No IDT Elymus canadensis Triticeae ATCC 201551 44, 60, 61, 62
E. elymi E184 E. elymi No IDT Elymus virginicus Triticeae ATCC 200850 44, 60, 61
E. festucae E189 E. festucae Lolitrems* Festuca rubrasubsp.rubra Poeae ATCC 90661 29, 44, 62
E. festucae E2368 E. festucae No IDT Festuca spp. Poeae C. L. Schardl, University of Kentucky
E. festucae Fg1 E. festucae Lolitrems Festuca glauca Poeae 41
E. festucae Fl1 E. festucae Lolitrems* Festuca longifolia Poeae ATCC MYA-3407 28, 41
E. festucae Fr1 E. festucae No IDT Festuca rubra Poeae 28, 41
E. festucae Frc5 E. festucae No IDT Festuca rubrasubsp.commutata Poeae 41
E. festucae Frc7 E. festucae IDT Festuca rubrasubsp.commutata Poeae 41
E. festucae Frr1 E. festucae No IDT Festuca rubrasubsp.rubra Poeae 41
E. glyceriae E277 E. glyceriae No IDT Glyceria striata Meliceae ATCC 200747 44, 60, 61
E. glyceriae E2772 E. glyceriae No IDT Glyceria striata Meliceae ATCC 200755 44, 60, 61
E. sylvatica E354 ETC No IDT Brachypodium sylvaticum Brachypodieae ATCC 200748 29, 44, 60, 61
E. sylvatica E503 ETC No IDT Brachypodium sylvaticum Brachypodieae ATCC 200751 29, 44, 60, 61
E. typhina E8 ETC No IDT Lolium perenne Poeae ATCC 200736 29, 41, 44, 60, 61, 62
E. typhina E1022 ETC No IDT Poa nemoralis Poeae ATCC 201668 29, 44
E. typhina E2463 ETC No IDT Dactylis glomerata Poeae C. D. Moon and C. L. Schardl, University of Kentucky
E. typhina E348 ETC No IDT Phleum pratense Aveneae CBS 102648 29, 61
E. typhina E425 ETC No IDT Phleum pratense Aveneae ATCC 200851 29, 44, 60, 61
E. typhina E505 ETC No IDT Brachypodium pinnatum Brachypodieae ATCC 200739 29, 44, 60, 61
N. aotearoae e899 Nao No IDT# Echinopogon ovatus Aveneae ATCC MYA-1229 42
N. australiense e938 E. festucae, ETC No IDT Echinopogon. ovatus Aveneae CBS 109347 42
N. coenophialum e19 E. festucae, ETC, LAE No IDT Lolium arundinaceum Poeae ATCC 90664 44, 65
N. coenophialum Tf28 E. festucae, ETC, LAE IDT Lolium arundinaceum Poeae 9
N. funkii e4096 E. festucae, E. elymi IDT Stipa robusta Stipeae ATCC MYA-2583 45
N. gansuense var. inebrians e818 N. inebrians No IDT Achnatherum inebrians Stipeae ATCC MYA-1228 44, 45
N. lolii AR1 E. festucae IDT Lolium perenne Poeae 41
N. lolii Lp14 E. festucae IDT* Lolium perenne Poeae 9, 41, 62
N. lolii Lp19 E. festucae Lolitrems* Lolium perenne Poeae 9, 41
N. lolii Lp5 E. festucae Lolium perenne Poeae 9, 41, 62
N. lolii Lp7 E. festucae Lolium perenne Poeae 9, 41
N. lolii Lp9 E. festucae Lolium perenne Poeae 9, 41, 62
N. melicicola e822 E. festucae, N. aotearoae IDT Melica racemosa Meliceae CBS 108340 42
N. siegelii e915 E. festucae, E. bromicola IDT Lolium pratense Poeae ATCC 74483 44
Neotyphodium sp. strain FaTG-2 Tf15 E. festucae, LAE Lolium arundinaceum Poeae 9, 41
Neotyphodium sp. strain FaTG-3 Tf20 E. festucae, LAE Lolium arundinaceum Poeae 9, 41
Neotyphodium sp. strain HboTG-2 Hd1 E. bromicola, ETC No IDT Hordeum bogdanii Triticeae M. Christensen, AgResearch, New Zealand
Neotyphodium sp. strain LpTG-2 Lp1 E. festucae, ETC IDT Lolium perenne Poeae 9, 41, 62
Neotyphodium sp. strain LpTG-3 Lp2 E. festucae, ETC Lolium perenne Poeae 9, 41, 62
N. tembladerae e1169 E. festucae, ETC IDT Poa huecu Poeae ATCC 200844 44
N. tembladerae e4055 E. festucae, ETC IDT Festuca arizonica Poeae ATCC MYA-2564 44
Neotyphodium sp. Poa ETCd IDT? Poa sp. Poeae M. Christensen, AgResearch, New Zealand

Abbreviations: ETC, E. typhina complex; LAE, Lolium-associated endophyte as documented in Moon et al. (44).


The predicted phenotype is based on the PCR screen for the presence of the ltm genes. Phenotypes that were confirmed by chemical analysis in this study are indicated in boldface. Chemical phenotypes confirmed in other publications are indicated by an asterisk. No IDT, no indole-diterpene production; IDT, indole-diterpene production; lolitrems, lolitrem production; #, isolate positive as shown by Miles et al. (39).


ATCC and CBS refer to isolates deposited at the American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA) or the CentraalBureau voor Schimmelcultures (Utrecht, The Netherlands), respectively.


The possible hybrid status is undetermined.