FIG. 2.
Organization of region 1, a possible tract of phage origin. (A) Schematic representation of region 1 in the IOEB Sarco 1491, PSU-1, and ATCC BAA-1163 strains. The core attB site used by fOgPSU-1 and overlapping the tRNA gene (OEOE_t0685) is represented by a black box. The gray hatched boxes represent the putative junctions (PSU-1) and core attachment sites (ATCC BAA-1163), considered to characterize the site-specific integration of region 1 in the O. oeni genome. (B) Alignments of the putative left, right and bacterial attachment sites found in the PSU-1 and ATCC BAA-1163 strains, respectively. DRL, leftward DR; DRR, rightward DR.