Figure 2. Effects of URB597 on nicotine-induced reinstatement of extinguished CPP.
(a) A priming injection of nicotine (0.4 mg/kg) completely reinstated the extinguished CPP developed by a nicotine dose of 0.4 mg/kg (***P<0.0001 Test vs Pre-test; ###P<0.001 Extinction vs Test; $$$P<0.0001 Reinstatement vs Extinction; n=7). (b) URB597 (0.3 mg/kg) pre-treatment prevented nicotine-induced reinstatement of CPP (***P<0.0001 Test vs Pre-test; ###P<0.0001 Extinction vs Test; n=9; #P>0.05 Reinstatement vs. Test). (c) URB597 failed to reinstate the extinguished CPP (***P<0.0001 Test vs Pre-test; ###P<0.0001 Extinction vs Test; n=9; ##P<0.0007 Reinstatement vs. Test). All data are expressed as time spent in sec (mean ± SEM) in the nicotine-paired compartment during 15-min Pre-test (open bars), Test (filled black bars), Extinction (striped bars) and Reinstatement (filled gray bars) sessions.