Figure 1.
A. Average 1-hr intakes (kcal) during the 1-hr period of availability; chow for the C group and shortening for the 24/7-TF, D-TF, I-TF and I-T groups. Group designations: C = Chow only, 24/7 = continuous trans-free, D-TF = Daily trans-free, I-TF = intermittent trans-free, I-T = intermittent trans. Different letters indicate significant differences among the groups. Vertical lines indicate SEM.
Figure1B. 24-hr shortening intake (kcal) for the 24/7-TF group. Different numbers indicate significant differences among the 24-hr shortening intake of the 24/7-TF group and the 1-hr shortening intakes of the D-TF, I-TF and I-T groups.