Fig. 5.
Radiocarbon radial transect of specimen BC-RD97–05 (5) showing a faster radial growth rate of 13 μm year−1 over the initial 400 years (inner-most 5.1 mm) compared to the much slower growth rate of 4 μm year−1 over the last 1,960 years (outer most 7.7 mm). The age of the center of the basal attachment structure of specimen (Lan04-Leio1), some ≈15 cm below the cross-sectional disk on the stalk is 4,265 ± 44 years (4,150 ± 35 14C years), within the error of the age established for the center of the stalk discussed in the main text (4,200 ± 70 years).[Reproduced with permission from ref. 5 (Copyright 2006, Inter-Research Science).]