Fig. 3.
Trypanosomal selenoproteins are not essential. (A) Representative growth curves in standard culture medium SDM-79 of uninduced and induced (−Tet, +Tet) clonal RNAi cell lines for Tb-SerRS (redrawn from ref. 18), Tb-SPS2, and Tb-EFSec. The Northern blots verifying mRNA ablation are indicated for the cell lines not showing a growth arrest. (B) (Left) Comparisons of doubling times of the Tb-PSTK KO cell line (Tb-PSTK−/−) and the parent WT strain 427 (WT). (Right) Comparisons of doubling times of the Tb-SepSecS KO cell line (Tb-SepSecS−/−) and the corresponding cell line allowing tetracycline-dependent ectopic Tb-SepSecS expression (SepSec −/− plus or minus complem.). The parent cell line for the Tb-SepSecS KO strain is T. brucei 29-13 that has a longer doubling time than T. brucei 427. Standard errors (n = 6) are indicated.