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. 2009 Jan 14;467(5):1283–1293. doi: 10.1007/s11999-008-0685-6

Table 2.

Dorsiflexion at latest followup and functional level pretreatment and at latest followup

Patient Latest followup Maximum DFa Function
Length (mos) Age (mos) Latest followup Pretreatment Latest followup Braces latest followup
1 Right 48.5 54.0 10° Only 4 months old Independent ambulation without assistive device Hinged AFOs day; DF AFOs night
Left 10°
2 Right 70.0 77.0 −5° Only 5 months old Independent ambulation without assistive device; uses wheelchair long distances KAFOs full-time
Left −5°
3 Right 15.5 22.0 Preemie (corrected age 3 months); limited active movement Standing independently with braces Solid AFO day; KAFO night
4 Right 14.0 19.0 10° Only 3 months old, very limited active movement Rolling; standing in stander with braces KAFOs (ratcheting knee) full-time
Left 10°
5 Right 13.0 56.5 10° Sitting independently; non-ambulatory Independent ambulation with posterior rollator Solid AFOs
Left 10°
6 Right 57.5 84.5 20° Rolling, not sitting independently Limited ambulation with posterior rollator in school only Solid AFOs day; DF AFOs night
Left 15°
7 Right 49.0 86.5 Sitting independently, standing with support Limited ambulation with gait trainer; standing in stander Floor reaction AFOs for ambulation; solid AFOs
Left −5°
8 Right 53.0 67.0 −20° Not rolling or sitting Sitting independently, standing with braces for 1 minute KAFOs
Left −20°
9 Right 20.5 39.5 10° Rolling, sitting when propped Sitting independently, not standing, non-ambulatory Solid AFOs day; DF AFOs night
Left 10°
10 Right 43.5 75.5 Rolling, sitting, crawling, not standing, non-ambulatory Non-ambulatory, uses wheelchair Solid AFOs; KAFOs (ratcheting knee)
Mean 38.5 58.2 3.2°
(range) (13–70) (19–86.5) (–20 to 20°)

aMaximum passive dorsiflexion.