Figure 2.
Volatile-induced [Ca2+]c transients in Arabidopsis leaves. Typical time-courses of aequorin luminescence in the leaves from AQ plants (black) and gpa1-2-AQ plants (red) are shown. Four leaves were packed in a Petri dish. The pieces of cotton with HIPVs were packed into the dish with Arabidopsis leaves at the time indicated by asterisks. Volatiles; (A) (E)-2-hexenal (B) (E)-2-hexen-1-ol (C) β-ocimene (D) β-myrcene (E) (E)-DMNT (F) bornyl acetate (G) (+)-α-pinene (H) (-)-α-pinene (I) (-)-β-pinene, were fumigated at the indicated time (asterisks in each columns). As control experiments, a piece of cotton, impregnated with dichloromethane was packed into a Petri dish after the evaporation of the solvent (J). Typical traces from each 3–5 representative data were shown.