Dosage Range of the BMDb |
Strain | 3.7–11 μM (high toxicity) | 11–33 μM | 33–100 μM | >100 μM (low toxicity) |
Wild type | 102.6 | 107.2 | 105.8 | 105.1 |
SPY50780 | 106.1 | 108.3 | 108.8 | 105.5 |
CLN2oe | 101.7 | 103.7 | 104.6 | 104.8 |
mgt1 | 102.7 | 106.6 | 106.5 | 105.0 |
mec2 | 105.4 | 107.3 | 105.8 | 106.0 |
mlh1 | 103.8 | 107.2 | 105.9 | 104.5 |
rad14 | 103.9 | 107.4 | 106.5 | 106.4 |
bub3 | 104.8 | 106.0 | 106.8 | 106.0 |
rad50EPP+ | 102.2 | 105.3 | 106.3 | 107.7 |
sgs1 | 103.3 | 106.7 | 106.8 | 104.8 |
rad52 | 103.6 | 106.8 | 105.9 | 104.0 |
rad18 | 103.9 | 106.2 | 106.5 | 106.6 |
rad50 | 102.9 | 105.5 | 104.4 | 104.7 |
∑(mean ± SEM)c | 103.6 ± 0.18 | 106.6 ± 0.18 | 106.2 ± 0.20 | 105.5 ± 0.17 |
Table based on Calabrese et al., 2006.
All values are based on a BMD(10) as defined in Calabrese et al., 2006. Other BMD criteria (2.5, 5, 7.5, 12.5) support the same interpretations. The column for 3.7<BMD<11 is based on responses at 1.2 μM; 11<BMD<33 is based on 1.2 and 3.7 μM; 33<BMD<100 is based on 1.2, 3.7, and 11 μM; and the BMD>100 column is based on responses at 1.2, 3.7, 11, and 33 μM.
The average number of responses on which a single mean value is based is 402 (196–572 range). The overall means are based on 5326, 6266, 4544, and 4763 responses for the four BMD ranges shown left to right.