The EPR spectra of (A) Pa c-551 (280 μM) (B) PaN64V (250 μM), (C) PaN64Q (220 μM), (D) PaN50G/V65ins (220 μM), (E) Ne c-552 cloned (310 μM), (F) NeN64Δ (260 μM), (G) NeG50N/V65Δ (210 μM), and (H) NeV65Δ (230 μM) in HEPES Buffer (50 mM, pH 7.5) recorded at 10.0 ± 0.5 K. In the EPR spectra the dashed lines represent simulated EPR envelopes. The asterisk (*) indicates the Cu2+ signal (g ∼2) resulting from an impurity. The g factors in bold letters were observed experimentally, the others deduced by both spectra simulation and application of the g-tensor normalization conditions. The EPR spectra were acquired in the perpendicular mode by using the following experimental conditions: 9.662(8) GHz, microwave power 1.0 mW excluding (G) recorded at 0.8 mW, modulation amplitude 0.75 mT, modulation frequency 100 KHz, 55 dB gain, sweep time 168 sec, time constant 82.92 msec; 4-6 scans were accumulated and averaged. The insets show magnification of the gmax and/or gmin resonances.