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. 2009 Mar 26;65(Pt 4):415–418. doi: 10.1107/S174430910900863X

Table 1. Data-collection statistics.

Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell.

    SeMet apoenzyme (form I)
  Ternary complex (form II) Peak (λ1) Inflection (λ2) Remote (λ3)
Space group P1 P21
Unit-cell parameters    
a (Å) 66.5 66.0
b (Å) 75.2 119.6
c (Å) 77.6 86.2
 α (°) 109.1 90.0
 β (°) 107.5 96.3
 γ (°) 95.9 90.0
Matthews coefficient (Å3 Da−1) 2.56 2.54
Molecules per ASU 4 4
Temperature (K) 100 100
X-ray source Rigaku MM007 ESRF ID29
Detector MAR 345 ADSC Q315
Resolution (Å) 21.7–1.86 (1.96–1.86) 38.0–2.70 (2.85–2.70)
Energy (keV) 8.041 (Cu Kα) 12.660 12.658 12.710
Mosaicity (°) 0.75 0.8 0.8 0.8
Unique observations 101260 (12178) 36498 (5339) 36474 (5340) 36512 (5346)
Rmerge (%) 0.04 (0.21) 0.12 (0.37) 0.17 (0.53) 0.14 (0.57)
Completeness (%) 90.7 (74.5) 99.7 (100) 99.6 (100) 99.7 (100)
Anomalous completeness (%) 97.0 (98.3) 96.9 (99.0) 97.2 (98.9)
Multiplicity 2.4 (2.3) 3.5 (3.6) 3.6 (3.7) 3.6 (3.7)
Anomalous multiplicity 1.8 (1.8) 1.8 (1.8) 1.8 (1.8)
Mean (I)/σ(I) 14.9 (4.6) 10.6 (3.0) 8.2 (2.1) 9.2 (1.8)

R merge = Inline graphic Inline graphic, where 〈I(hkl)〉 is the mean intensity of the reflection.