The glyphosate binding sites of T97I and TIPS EPSPS (stereo views). Top: glyphosate (shown in green) bound to T97I EPSPS reveals potential steric clashes with the Cα atom of Gly96 (d = 3.13 Å) and with the side chain of Glu341 (d = 2.93 Å) (red dotted lines). Bottom: in TIPS EPSPS these clashes are more pronounced (Gly96: d = 3.02 Å; Glu341: d = 2.82 Å) and additional unfavorable interactions occur between glyphosate and S3P (d = 3.02 Å) and the Cδ atom of Arg386 (d = 3.11 Å). S3P is shown in yellow. The helix harboring residues 97–101 is indicated in orange. Black dotted lines indicate polar interactions. The cyan spheres denote water molecules.