Cooperation between ARNT and c-Jun in promoter activation of the
COX-2 gene results in cell migration. A, cells were
transfected with pXC-918, Myc-c-Jun, and Myc-ARNT expression vector by
lipofection. Cells were treated with or without EGF for 6 h. The luciferase
activities and protein concentrations were then determined and normalized.
Values represent means ± S.E. of three determinations. Expressions of
ARNT and Myc-c-Jun proteins were analyzed by Western blot analysis using
anti-ARNT and anti-Myc antibodies, respectively. B, cells were
transfected with pXC-918, Myc-c-Jun, and ARNT siRNA by lipofection. The
luciferase activities and protein concentrations were then determined and
normalized. Values represent means ± S.E. of three determinations.
Expressions of Myc-c-Jun proteins were analyzed by Western blot analysis using
anti-Myc antibodies. C, cells were transfected with 50 nm
ARNT siRNA or scramble oligonucleotides by lipofection. Migration was assessed
after 15 h in the presence or absence of EGF. The histogram displays
the mean number of migrated cells obtained by counting four separate fields in
three independent experiments. Error bars represent means ±
S.D. D, cells were transfected with 50 nm ARNT siRNA or
scramble oligonucleotides by lipofection. After a wound was made with a
pipette tip, cells were treated with 50 ng/ml EGF and 10μm
PGE2 for 60 h. The extent of wound closure was observed by using a
phase-contrast microscope camera (model DMI 4000 B; Leica).