Figure 2.
Linkage of the Stargardt family to ABCA4. The pedigree structure of a family with Stargardt disease and results from linkage analysis and fine mapping to the ABCA4 locus are shown. Circles denote females, and squares indicate males. Dark symbols represent affected individuals with Stargardt disease. Empty symbols are normal individuals. The proband is marked by an arrow. The gray symbol indicates occurrence of Goldenhar syndrome but not Stargardt disease. Genotyping results for markers D1S1588, D1S1170, D1S406, D1S1174, D1S1627, D1S2651, and D1S2726 are shown under each symbol. Haplotypes were constructed on the basis of the minimum number of recombinations between markers. The disease haplotype shared by all affected individuals is denoted by the blackened vertical bar, and normal haplotype is denoted by an empty vertical bar. The pedigree information is as in this figure. The proband is marked by an arrow.