Figure 7.
(A) Fold-induction of splice-correction 24 h after transfection of HeLa/Luc705mut with 2′-O-methyl antisense (AS) oligos at different concentrations. Correction was measured by testing for luciferase activity after AS oligo treatment relative to mock treatment. Both oligos have an additional tri-nucleotide extension (AUA) on their 5′-ends to which an m3G-CAP was added in one of them. Error bars show standard deviations for at least n = 3. (B) RT–PCR. Total cellular RNA was subjected to RT–PCR. The upper band (268 bp) and lower band (142 bp) correspond to the aberrant and correct luciferase mRNA, respectively. Cp1 and p1 correspond to the antisense oligo (AS705) with (oligo Cp1) or without (oligo p1) m3G-CAP added. Cp2 and p2 correspond to the scrambled (control) antisense oligo with (oligo Cp2) or without (oligo p2) m3G-CAP.