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. 2009 Mar;174(3):1027–1036. doi: 10.2353/ajpath.2009.080501

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Enhanced tumorigenesis in the prostate does not correlate with intratumoral blood vessel density. Orthotopic tumors were embedded in OCT compound and cryosectioned. Sections were stained with anti-CD31-PE conjugate and 10 randomly selected sections per tumor were digitally photographed under a fluorescence microscope at ×400 magnification with a 5-second exposure time. Representative images from each tumor type as indicated are shown. Images were processed as indicated in Materials and Methods to obtain total vessel area per section as pixel density. Mean pixel density per section ± SEM is plotted for 10 sections of three different tumors per group; *P < 0.01, **P < 0.05.