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. 2009 Apr 6;106(16):6561–6566. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0901846106

Table 1.

Accelerator mass spectrometer radiocarbon dates from block excavation Unit X contexts at the Riverton site

Feature Age, AMS-calibrated calendar years B.P.
Age, radiocarbon years B.P. Laboratory sample no. Material dated
Intercept 1σ age range
29 3,620 3,680–3,660
3,640–3,570 3,370 ± 40 β253115 Hickory hull
8A 3,690 3,810–3,800
3,720–3,640 3,440 ± 40 β253117 Walnut hull
13A 3,810
3,720 3,830–3,690 3,480 ± 40 β253116 Walnut hull
1B 3,820
3,730 3,830–3,700 3,490 ± 40 β253114 Walnut hull

Calendar calibrations are based on the Pretoria Calibration Procedure and the Intcal 98 Calibration database.