Determination of helical tilt angle range for residues 14-16 of M2δ domain. Using “experimental” values simulated for a 15° tilt angle, the ranges were determined for each residue by determining which Aexp values were within the acceptable error of +/-0.5 G. By varying the simulated helical tilt angles from 0°-90°, the ranges were calculated by finding the lowest and highest tilt angles that had Aexp values within the acceptable error of the “experimental” value. The values in red, blue, and green represent the Aexp values that were within the acceptable error of the experimental Aexp for residues 14, 15, and 16, respectively. The bolded values represent the lower and upper limits of the ranges. Moreover, the overall range obtained from the three residues is the range that is compatible with all three ranges, 14°-16°.