Table 1.
Landmarks used in this study
No. | Name of landmark | Description of landmark |
Midline landmarks used in this study | ||
17 | trichion | Midpoint of the hairline |
18 | supraglabella | Most anterior point on midline |
19 | nasion | The midpoint of the nasofrontal suture |
20 | pronasale | The most protruded point of the nasal tip |
21 | subnasale | The junction between the lower border of the nasal septum, the partition that divides the nostrils, and the cutaneous portion of the upper lip in the midline |
22 | labiale superius | The midpoint of the vermilion border of the upper lip |
23 | stomion | The midpoint of the labial fissure when the lips are closed naturally |
24 | labiale inferius | The midpoint of the vermillion border of the lower lip |
25 | sublabiale | The midpoint of the labiomental sulcus |
26 | gnathion | The lowest point in the midline on the lower border of the chin |
Right- and left-side landmarks used in this study | ||
1, 27 | frontal eminence | Centered on eye pupil, most anterior point of the forehead |
2, 28 | frontotemporale | The most medial point on the temporal crest of the frontal bone |
3, 29 | maxillofrontale | The anterior lacrimal crest of the maxilla at the frontomaxillary suture |
4, 30 | endocanthion | The inner corner of the eye fissure where the eyelids meet, not the caruncles (the red eminences at the medial angles of the eyes) |
5, 31 | palpebrale superius | The highest point on the upper margin of the middle portion of the eyelid |
6, 32 | palpebrale inferius | The lowest point in the middle of the margin of the lower eyelid |
7, 33 | exocanthion | The outer corner of the eye fissure where the eyelids meet |
8, 34 | frontozygomaticus | The most lateral point on the frontozygomatic suture |
9, 35 | supraaurale | The highest point of the free margin of the ear |
10, 36 | zygion | The most lateral point on the zygomatic arch |
11, 37 | subaurale | The lowest point of the ear lobe |
12, 38 | alare | The most lateral point on the nasal ala |
13, 39 | subalare | The point on the lower margin of the base of the nasal ala where the ala disappears into the upper lip skin |
14, 40 | crista philtre | The point on the crest of the philtrum, the vertical groove in the median portion of the upper lip, just above the vermilion border |
15, 41 | cheilion | The outer corner of the mouth where the outer edges of the upper and lower vermilions meet |
16, 42 | gonion | The most lateral point at the angle of the mandible |