FIG. 1.
Artifact-free electrographic status epilepticus (ESE). The raw EEG trace is 15 min long and was taken at the beginning of ESE after Li-pilocarpine treatment. At the top of the figure is the spectrogram (i.e., power spectrum over time) of the raw EEG. The light black bars bracket the γ-band frequencies (20–70 Hz) used in this study and show an increase in EEG power during ESE. Each box (A–D) shows 1-min enlargements of the data. These traces are further enlarged to 5-s (a–d). A: normal EEG before seizures. B: the 1st electrographic seizure. C: sample EEG trace during the beginning of ESE. D: sample EEG trace ∼5 min after the start of ESE. This trace represents raw (unfiltered) EEG that is free of movement and electrical artifacts.