Fig. 3.
Functional conservation of the hamster and yeast Alg7p. (Panel A) The hamster ALG7/GPT cDNA in an LEU2 yeast vector (yEpGAP-myc-hALG7) was tested for complementation of an alg7Δ strain (CNY2) that carried ALG7 on a URA3 plasmid (yEpGAP-mycALG7) strain by growth on a medium containing 5′-FOA, which forces elimination of the URA3 plasmid (CNY4). As a positive control, CNY2 harboring the yeast ALG7 on an HIS3 plasmid was analyzed in parallel. (Panel B) Coimmunoprecipitation of hamster Alg7p and yeast Alg14p. Detergent extracts containing 0.1% Triton X-100 were prepared from yeast strains coexpressing myc-tagged hamster Alg7p (yEpGAp-myc-hALG7) and HA-tagged Alg14. After immunoprecipitation with anti-myc antibodies, samples were resolved by 12% SDS–PAGE and subjected to immunoblotting with anti-HA antibodies.