Fig. 2. Membrane depolarization precedes ROS generation.
In subpleural endothelial cells in intact rat or mouse lungs. A. The time course of membrane potential change with ischemia. A decreased cell membrane potential with ischemia is indicated by increased fluorescence intensity of di-8-ANEPPS; the effect is blocked by the KATP channel agonist, lemakalim. The inset shows a rapid time frame recording of the initial 5 secs after stop of flow. Control (con) is the “ischemic start” point. B. Membrane depolarization with high K+ results in ROS generation in the absence of ischemia as detected by increased DCF fluorescence. Control was continuous flow with buffer containing physiological (5 mM) K+. C. Quantitation of ROS generation during ischemia by DCF fluorescence. The increased ROS production with ischemia is blocked by the presence of catalase to scavenge H2O2, cromakalim (a KATP channel agonist), or DPI (an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase) and is decreased in lungs from KIR 6.2 null mice. The absence of ROS in gp91phox null lungs indicates that ROS are generated by NADPH oxidase. For all panels, fluorescence intensity of 3 lungs (each representing the average value for 4-7 endothelial cells) are plotted as means ± SE. Reprinted with permission from [16, 38, 51].