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. 2009 Apr 24;5(4):e1000396. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000396

Table 1. List of all lpxL1 mutant strains.

Strain no. Isolated from serogroup ST Clonal complex Type of mutation in lpxL1 a
lpxL1 mutants among 56 serogroup Y isolates
HF13 Ndb Y nd nd V
2011169 blood Y 23 23 V
2040760 blood Y 23 23 V
970455 blood Y nd nd V
2050913 joint puncture Y 2786 23 V
971523 CSF Y nd nd V
971886 CSF Y nd nd VI
982195 blood Y nd nd VI
2040608 CSF Y nd nd I
lpxL1 mutants among 114 isolates representing major serogroups and clonal complexes
2000569 blood X 750 750 V
2011833 blood C 3553 269 V
2041268 blood B 4926 35 V
2050093 blood B 461 461 V
2030162 blood C 337 41/44 V
2051372 blood B 461 461 V
2010151 blood C 461 461 IV
2021270 CSF C 461 461 III
2041396 CSF B 4930 18 III
2050806 CSF B 213 213 III
2071416 blood Y 23 23 VI
2020799c CSF B 35 35 conserved amino acid change
2050392 CSF B 213 213 VII
lpxL1 mutants among multiple isolates from a single patient
Patient 94176
941761 I CSF C nd nd conserved amino acid change
941761 III Troat swab C nd nd wild-type
Patient 9707010
970710 I CSF C nd nd wild-type
970710 III nose swab C nd nd IV
Patient 971859
971859 I CSF C nd nd IV
971859 III Throat swab C nd nd wild-type
lpxL1 mutants among isolates from 254 patients in the prospective cohort study
2012202 CSF B 41 41/44 V
2020434 CSF C 11 11 V
991174 CSF C 11 11 V
990576 CSF B 571 41/44 V
991382 CSF B 191 41/44 V
2011833 CSF C 3553 269 V
991344 CSF B 42 41/44 III
2000607 CSF B 40 41/44 III
2000311 CSF B 461 461 III
991093 CSF B 5451 32 III
2020622 CSF B 5458 41/44 IV
990344 CSF B 5449 41/44 IV
2010640 CSF B 1474 41/44 conserved amino acid change
2011334 CSF C 11 11 II
2011764 CSF B 303 41/44 conserved amino acid change
992008 CSF B 146 41/44 Not detected

Type of mutations found in lpxL1. Colors in parentheses correspond to colors shown in Figure 2. Type I mutation: insertion of IS1301 (pink), type II mutation: insertion of IS1655 (pink), type III mutation: deletion of a guanine in a stretch of five guanines (yellow), type IV mutation: deletion of an adenosine in a stretch of five adenosines (green), type V mutation: deletion or insertion of an adenosine in a stretch of seven adenosines (light and dark blue), type VI mutation: deletion of ten nucleotides (red), type VII mutation: deletion of C-terminal part of the lpxL1 gene (gray). For all strains with conserved amino acid changes, the inactivation of lpxL1 has been confirmed with analysis of the lipid A by mass spectrometry.


Nd: not determined.


Strain 2020799 was part of both the panel of 114 isolates representing all major serogroups and clonal complexes and the panel of 254 isolates from patients in the prospective cohort study.