Endogenous sequences induce translation arrest coupled with protein
degradation. A, construction of the
pGPDp-GFP-X-FLAG-HIS3 reporter plasmids. These plasmids
contain various sequences inserted between GFP and HIS3. The
inserted amino acid sequences and original gene names are shown. B,
endogenous sequence elements induce translation arrest coupled with protein
degradation by the proteasome. W303 cells were transformed with
pGPDp-GFP-X-FLAG-HIS3 plasmids that contained sequences from the
indicated genes. The cells were grown in SC-Ura, and the samples were analyzed
using Western blotting with anti-GFP antibodies. When indicated (+), cell
extracts were prepared 2 h after the addition of 0.2 mm MG132.
C, translation arrest products in the not4Δ mutant.
W303not4Δ cells were transformed with
pGPDp-GFP-X-FLAG-HIS3 plasmids that contained sequences from the
indicated genes. The cells were grown in SC-Ura, and the samples were analyzed
using Western blotting with anti-GFP antibodies.