Expression of histidine-tagged wild type and mutated mouse recombinant
APAs. A, CHO cells transitory transfected with wild type or
mutated His-APA constructs were analyzed by SDS-PAGE 8% and Western blotting
with a mouse anti-X-press antibody. The membrane was then stripped and
reprobed with a mouse anti-α-tubulin. B, transfected CHO cells
stably expressing wild type and mutated His-APA constructs were fixed and
immunolabeled with a rabbit polyclonal anti-(rat-APA) serum, which was
detected with a cyanin 3-conjugated anti-rabbit secondary antibody.
Immunofluorescence was observed by confocal microscopy. The bar
indicates 20 μm. C, crude membrane preparations were solubilized
and subjected to metal affinity chromatography, as previously described
(18). Material eluted (0.25
μg of protein) from the column was analyzed by SDS-PAGE 7.5% and Western
blotting with a mouse anti-X-press antibody. Immune complexes were detected by
enhanced chemiluminescence. MM, molecular mass.