Mutational analysis of the Srv2 HFD domain. A, alignment of
N-terminal sequences for diverse Srv2/CAP homologues using ClustalW. M.
mus1, mouse CAP1; M. mus2, mouse CAP2; D. mel.,
Drosophila melanogaster CAP; A. tha, Arabidopsis thaliana
CAP; and S. cer., S. cerevisiae Srv2. Residues 73-241 in
S. cerevisiae Srv2 form the HFD domain
(18). Each helix is indicated
above the primary sequence and color-coded. Solvent-exposed residues
are designated below the primary sequence (e indicates
solvent-exposed; - indicates for solvent-inaccessible). Below the
alignment, the predicted coiled coil domain (residues 14-34) is
underlined, and residues changed to alanine are marked A for
each srv2 allele (numbered 90-94). B, SRV2 and srv2
mutant strains were grown to log phase, serially diluted, and plated on YPD
plates at 25 and 37 °C to compare cell growth. C, immunoblot of
whole cell extracts from SRV2 and srv2 mutant strains probed
with anti-Srv2 antibodies and tubulin antibodies as a loading control. D,
srv2 mutations modeled on a rendered view of the crystal structure of the
dimeric, anti-parallel HFD from Dictyostelium Srv2/CAP (Protein Data
Bank code 1S0P). Residues mutated in each allele are color-coded by the
relative severity of their cell growth phenotype (orange, severe;
yellow, mild; green, pseudo-wild type). Shading is
lighter on one Srv2 molecule in the dimer. A ribbon structure is also
shown for one molecule in the dimer, with helices color-coded to match those
in A. The ribbon view has the same orientation as the rendered
structure on the far left.