Total IgE concentrations for con- or hetero-specific primary infections and secondary S. ratti infections having received either a dose 0 iL3s (A, B) or a dose of either 30 or 750 iL3s (C, D) at days 7 (A, C) and 21 p.s.i. (B, D). Results for individual animals are circles, with model estimates from Table 5 shown as horizontal bars with standard errors on these estimates indicated by vertical bars. Data are plotted on a Box-Cox transformed scale. The primary infections were: PBS controls (PBS), N. brasiliensis (Nb), S. venezuelensis (Sv), S. ratti 30 iL3s (Sr low) and S. ratti 750 iL3s (Sr high). The different doses delivered in the primary infection for N. brasiliensis and, S. venezuelensis are grouped together since the doses of these primary infections were not found to significantly affect IgE concentration during S. ratti secondary infections. Animals receiving 30 or 750 iL3s in a secondary infection were grouped together since there was no detectable difference between these doses with respect to their effect on IgE concentration.