FIGURE 1. GSK-3β regulates cell migration.
MDA-MB-231 cells (A) and SUM-159-PT cells (B) were infected with lentiviruses directing expression of two distinct shRNA sequences against human GSK3β (GSK-3β #1 and GSK-3β #2). 24 h after infection cells were selected for a further 48 h with puromycin and then subjected to chemomigration assays. Cell lysates from each infection were immunoblotted with anti-GSK3β and control anti-actin. MDA-MB-231(C) and SUM-159-PT cells (D) treated for 16 h with the GSK3β inhibitor SB-415286 (25μM) or DMSO as control were subjected to chemomigration assays. All results are representative of three independent experiments and were performed in triplicates. Error bars indicate ± SD.