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. 2008 Dec 5;83(6):769–780. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2008.11.004

Table 2.

RPL5 Mutations in 18 Probands and Six Family Members from a Total of 196 Families Studied

Mutation Type Proband's ID (Gender) Inheritance Family Members DNA Mutation Exon/ Intron Predicted Amino Acid Change Age at Diagosis Malformation Status Response at First Steroid Therapy Present Therapy
Nonsense mutation P1 (F) sporadic m: normal seq c.48C→G Ex2 Y16Stop at birth NA responsive to high doses only RBC trx
P2 (F) de novo f, m: normal seq c.67C→T Ex2 R23Stop 2mo cleft lip, cleft palate responsive SD RBC trx
P3 (F) sporadic c.228C→A Ex4 C76Stop 10 mo cleft palate, ASD, hypoplastic thumb, micrognathia, tracheomalacia initially responsive stem cell transplant
Missense mutation P4 (M) familial m, s, b: normal seq c.418G→A Ex5 G140S 3 mo none unresponsive RBC trx
f c.418G→A Ex5 G140S no anemia NA no therapy no therapy
Deletion/ insertion P5 (M) sporadic c.46_47 insA Ex2 Y16Stop at birth micrognathia, hypertelorism, soft cleft palate, triphalangeal right thumb, widened webbed spaced between first and second toes, hypospadias no therapy no therapy
P6 (F) de novo f, m: normal seq c.156_159 delAGTT Ex3 Frameshift at codon 52; stop at 54 10 mo small jaw, cleft palate, triphlangeal thumb, hip dysplasia, rib anomalies responsive SD steroid therapy
P7 (M) sporadic c.169_172 delAACA Ex3 Frameshift at codon 57; stop at 68 at birth partial anomalous pulmonary venous return unresponsive RBC trx
P8 (M) de novo f, m, b: normal seq c.173 delG Ex3 Frameshift at codon 58; stop at 69 9 mo multiple congenital heart defectsa responsive SD RBC trx
P9 (M) sporadic c.173_4 delGA Ex3 Frameshift at codon 58; stop at 111 NA long proximal thumb phalanges bilateral, multiple congenital heart defectsb NA NA
P10 (M) sporadic c.173_4 delGA Ex3 Frameshift at codon 58; stop at 111 10 mo small jaw, cleft palate, bronchiopharyngeal malacia, mild hydrocephalus responsive SD steroid therapy
P11 (F) de novo f, m, b, s: normal seq c.173_4 delGA Ex3 Frameshift at codon 58; stop at 111 NA NA NA NA
P12 (F) familial c.235_236 insT EX4 Frameshift at codon 79; stop at 112 11 yc cleft soft palate unresponsive RBC trx
m: familial c.235_236 insT EX4 Frameshift at codon 79; stop at 112 55 y none refused steroid trial RBC trx
P13 (F) familial c.235_236 insT EX4 Frameshift at codon 79; stop at 112 12 mo cleft palate, bifid uvula, hypoplastic thumb, NA RBC trx
m: familial c.235_236 insT EX4 Frameshift at codon 79; stop at 112 NA none NA RBC trx
P14 (F) familial 348_351 insTGGA Ex5 Frameshift at codon 117; stop at 121 12 mo mandibular hypoplasia with retrognathia, cleft palate with bifid uvula, dysplastic thumbs, ASD type II unresponsive RBC trx
s: familial ND ND 12 mo mandibular hypoplasia with retrognathia, cleft palate, triphalangeal thumbs, persistent foramen ovale, ASD type II no therapy no therapy
m: familial 348_351 insTGGA Ex5 Frameshift at codon 117; stop at 121 20 yr none no therapy no therapy
P15 (M) familial f, m, s: normal seq c.498_502 delTGTGG and 39bp ins Ex5 NA triphalangeal thumbs, VSD responsive no therapy
b: familial c.498_502 delTGTGG and 39bp ins Ex5 NA cleft lip, triphalangeal thumbs unresponsive RBC trx
d: familial c.498_502 delTGTGG and 39bp ins Ex5 NA NA NA NA
P16 (M) sporadic c.573_574 insG Ex. 6 Frameshift at codon 192; stop at 216 NA inability to flex right distal thumb phalanx responsive SD NA
Splice-site mutation P17 (M) de novo f, m, b: normal seq Donor splice site IVS2 +2t→g Intr2 NA none responsive SD RBC trx
P18 (M) sporadic Donor splice site IVS3 +1g→t Intr3 NA none responsive SD RBC trx

Abbreviations are as follows: P, proband; f, father; m, mother; s, sister; b, brother; d, daughter; ins, insertion; del, deletion; Ex, exon; In, intron; seq, sequence; mo, month; y, years; ND, not done; NA, not available; SD, steroid dependent; RBC trx, red blood cell transfusions; ASD, atrial septal defect; VSD, ventricular septal defect.


Small patent ductus arteriosus, mild mitral valve prolapse, mild mitral regurgitation.


Double outlet right ventricle, pulmonary stenosis, left pulmonary artery stenosis, patent ductus arteriosus.


macrocytic anemia diagnosed at age 11, DBA not diagnosed until years later.