Figure 6. DP Cells Are Also Transcriptionally Active during the Quiescent Phase.
HG, bulge and DP were simultaneously FACS purified from P43, P56 and P69 HFs and then subjected to microarray analyses.
(A) Gene Ontology comparisons reveal several gene categories enriched progressively as the DP transitions through telogen. Note the extracellular signaling molecules were among the most enriched of the specialized categories.
(B and C) Trend and list of DP genes belonging to the extracellular signaling category and that are upregulated (>3×) with signal values ≥1000 at late versus early telogen.
(D) Microarray DP signal values of BMP and FGF pathway members, which displayed particularly prominent temporal differences across telogen. FGF7 and BMP inhibitors Sostdc1 and Bambi progressively increased in expression during telogen, in comparison to BMPs 2 and 4.
(E) Real-time PCR of mRNAs from purified DP confirms the trends observed from the microarrays. Data are reported as average ± SD.
(F) Immunofluorescence of Prom1 and Wif1 confirm their differential expression patterns in the DP during telogen. DAPI in blue; hair shafts (HS) are autofluorescent.