Figure 4.
Large-scale protein profiling of the wild-type and Ub-R11 strains to identify linkage-specific substrates.
(A) Outline of the SILAC method for comparing total cell lysate (TCL) and purified Ub conjugates (UC) in the two strains.
(B) Comparison of the TCL and the UC by SDS-PAGE. Both samples were resolved on a 6–12% gel, stained with Coomassie Blue, excised into ~50 gel bands, digested by trypsin, and analyzed by LC/MS/MS.
(C) Histograms of log abundance ratios of quantified proteins in the TCL (n = 1,576) and in the UC (n = 75).
(D) GO categories of biological processes of 91 proteins, the levels of which in the TCL were significantly altered by the Ub-K11R mutation.