FIG. 2.
RT-PCR amplification with the CCHF virus-specific assay (280-bp amplicon) and the internal control (350-bp amplicon). (A) Conventional 1.5% agarose gel analysis of the RT-PCR products. (B) Specific hybridization patterns of the same RT-PCR products on the macroarray. Lane M, 100-bp molecular size ladder; lanes/fields 1 to 3, CCHF virus strain BT-958 in vitro-transcribed RNA; lane/field 1, 6 × 106 genome copies per reaction; lane/field 2, 6 × 104 copies per reaction; lane/field 3, 6 copies per reaction; lane/field 4, internal control RNA only; lane/field 5, control to which no RNA was added. Note that both analysis methods visualize the suppression of the internal control amplification by increasing concentrations of CCHF virus target RNA.