Figure 4.
The coherence- and time-dependent decision variable derived from behavior. A–D, Expected value of the decision variable [μ(C, T)/ from Eq. 3] from correct trials using the mean values of the best-fitting parameters fit to data from individual sessions for both monkeys (A: sessions 1–30; B: sessions 31–80 for At, 31–90 for Av; C: 81–142 for At, 91–170 for Av; D: 143–161 for At, 171–222 for Av) plotted as a function of viewing time for different motion strengths (see inset in A). E, F, Best-fitting value and SEM of the parameter a from Equation 2 describing the scaling of the decision variable fit to behavioral data from individual sessions for At (E) and Av (F), plotted as a function of session number. Lines are weighted linear fits (H0: slope = 0, p < 0.01 in both cases). a.u., Arbitrary units.