Time-lapse images, kymographs, and line profiles following the indicated proteins in the presence of benomyl during SIM (mad2Δ + benomyl). (A) An-Nup49-chRFP and An-Bop1-GFP distribution during SIM (Video8.mov). (B) An-Nup170-chRFP and An-Bop1-GFP distribution during SIM (Video9.mov). In both series, An-Bop1-GFP is excluded to the cytoplasm before disassembling from the old parental nucleolus (o) and reassembling within the “new” (n) nucleolus (kymograph, reimport). Time points in which both the old and new nucleolus are spatially resolved are indicated by asterisk. Bars, ∼5 μm.