Fig. 4.
Jagged1 is essential in APCMin/+ intestinal tumorigenesis. (A) IHC of serial section of wild type intestine and APCMin/+ tumor stained with the indicated antibodies (100×). (B) Stereoscopical image of the methylene blue staining. The average number of visible polyps in the small intestines (>1 mm or ≤1 mm) from the different genotypes at 16 weeks of age is represented. Error bars are SEM. P values are based on a Mann–Whitney U test. (C) (Upper) Immunostaining with α-β-catenin of representative tumors from different genotypes. The average percentage of cells showing nuclear β-catenin is indicated. (Lower) Representative images of α-Ki67 staining and average percentage and SEM of Ki67+ cells per tumor from 5 APCMin/+Jag1+/+ (n = 51) and 4 APCMin/+Jag1+/Δ (n = 27). (D) Sections of normal crypts from different genotypes stained with α-Ki67 antibody (Left). The average and SEM of Ki67+ cells per crypt from 10 APC+/+Jag1+/+, 5 APCMin/+Jag1+/+ and 4 APCMin/+Jag1+/Δ is represented (Right). n, number of crypts counted. P values are based on a Mann–Whitney U test.