Fig. 4.
MSM mutants affect the proteolytic stability of LMM paracrystals. (A) Time course of limited tryptic proteolysis of LMM. Lanes numbered 1 through 11 represent different time points for digestion (lane 1, 0 min; lane 2, 1 min; lane 3, 3 min; lane 4, 5 min; lane 5, 8 min; lane 6, 10 min; lane 7, 30 min; lane 8, 45 min; lane 9, 60 min; lane 10, 75 min; lane 11, 90 min). Lane 12 is a protein standard where the top band is 125 kDa and the bottom band is 82 kDa. (B) Fitting proteolysis data to an exponential decay curve. Data are plotted as relative intensity of the full length LMM band versus time. The band intensity for each protein at the zero time point is defined as 1, and all other band intensities for the protein are plotted with respect to that value.