(A) Schematic representation of glycerol metabolism. For illustration purpose, genes up- or down-regulated more than 20%, compared to wild type (DBY746) in all three long-lived mutants, are labeled in red or green, respectively. (B) Fold change in expression levels of glycerol biosynthetic genes in sch9Δ, tor1Δ, and ras2Δ mutants compared to wild type at day 2.5 (for complete microarray data, see Table S2 and Table S6). Data were expressed in fold change, WT = 1. Gene expression levels that are 20% higher or lower than wild type cells are marked in red or green. 1 Predicted PDS motif: AWAGGGAT; 2 predicted STRE motif: ARGGGG; 3 predicted STRE motif: AGGGG. (C) Real time quantitative PCR analysis of GPD1 mRNA level sch9Δ and sch9Δ gis1Δ cells at day 2.5. Data represent mean and SEM, n = 4. * p<0.05, t-test, two-tailed, sch9Δ vs. WT.