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. 2008 Dec 1;587(Pt 2):345–361. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2008.162743

Figure 9. Pharmacological profiles for MLA inhibition of functional nAChR responses in VTA DAergic neurons.

Figure 9

Type ID or IID responses were induced by 1 mm ACh and type IID responses were induced by 10 mm choline in the presence of the indicated concentration (abscissa: log nm) of MLA coapplied with agonist (no pretreatment) or applied for 2 min prior to and then continuing during agonist exposure (pretreatment). Peak or integrated charge (area) of resultant whole-cell current responses were then determined (ordinates). A, comparison of effects of coincubation with MLA on peak current components to 1 mm ACh of type ID and IID responses. B, effects of MLA coapplication or pretreatment on 10 mm choline-induced peak current of type IID responses. All symbols represent average responses from 6 to 8 neurons (vertical bars represent ±s.e.m.).