Figure 1. Relative abundance of Kv and KCa channels in mesenteric (A) and aortic VSMCs (B).
Expression levels are normalized with respect to RP18s. Relative abundance was expressed as , where ΔCt=Ct,channel–Ct,18s. The plots also show differences in K+ channels expression in BPH arteries (using BPN expression levels as calibrator) in mesenteric (C) and aortic beds (D). The changes were calculated as
, where ΔΔCt=ΔCt(BPH)–ΔCt(BPN), and represented in log scale, so that negative values mean decreased expression and positive values increased expression. Each bar is the mean of 10 determinations obtained in 5 assays by duplicate. All through the figures, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001.